The morning after the Senate Impeachment Trial, my wife was led to this Scripture:

“1-2 Justice?  You high and mighty politicians don’t even know the meaning of the word!  Fairness?  Which of you has any left? Not one!  All your dealings are crooked: you give “justice” in exchange for bribes.  3 These men are born sinners, lying from their earliest words!  4-5 They are poisonous as deadly snakes, cobras that close their ears to the most expert of charmers.

“6 O God, break off their fangs.  Tear out the teeth of these young lions, Lord.  7 Let them disappear like water into thirsty ground.  Make their weapons useless in their hands. 8 Let them be as snails that dissolve into slime and as those who die at birth, who never see the sun.  9 God will sweep away both old and young. He will destroy them more quickly than a cooking pot can feel the blazing fire of thorns beneath it. 10 The godly shall rejoice in the triumph of right; they shall walk the bloodstained fields of slaughtered, wicked men.  11 Then at last everyone will know that good is rewarded, and that there is a God who judges justly here on earth.”  (Psalm 58 TLB)

When you look at the four people who are in the top leadership positions in our government, it is as though we were reliving biblical history.  In the No. 1 position we have an indecisive man who has never had an original idea and relies solely on orders from other people, as did King Ahab.

In the No. 2 position we have a person so desirous of power and authority, there’s no limit as to what she will do to obtain it – she’s completely oblivious to her own incompetence – and could care less as to how other people are impacted by the decisions she makes, as was Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab.  Unfortunately, the person in the No. 3 position shares these same Jezebel characteristics.

The person in the No. 4 position is characteristically similar to a man named Haman (see Esther, chapters 3 thru 7).  He is a sly, sneaky politician, who, in order to gain favor with the king, schemes and plots to discredit and destroy those more capable than he, thus clearing the way for his own advancement to more power and authority. None of those biblical characters succeeded in their self-envisioned quest for “superiority.”

Our strongest conservative voices (President Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh) have been silenced.  Our strongest Christian voices (Billy Graham and Jack Van Impe) are now silent, having been called to Glory.  And many of today’s Christian “leaders” are compromising the True Gospel of Jesus, in an effort to appease the secular crowd; i.e., those who favor abortion, same-sex marriage, the LGBTQ+ homosexual lifestyle, and even those who claim Israel is illegally occupying land that belongs to Arab-Palestinians.

God cannot be very happy with America right now.  Jesus addressed the “signs of the end times” in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.  You and I are witnessing those very things happening today.  Jesus even told us how many of our churches would be acting in these last days:

15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.  (Revelation 3:15-16 NIV)

Has the die been cast?  Has the pendulum swung so far to the dark side it can never be brought back into the light?  Only God has the answer to that question. 

But we do know God’s Word tells us Jesus will return “like a thief in the night.”  Jesus himself said, “Behold, I come quickly . . . Surely I come quickly” (Revelation 22:7, 12, 20 NIV).

Are you ready to meet Jesus face to face?  If you are not, call on Jesus today.  God’s Word tells us this is the way:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9 KJV).

Do it today, do not delay another moment.