The December 18th impeachment vote by the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, was a vote against the 63 million American citizens who elected Donald Trump in 2016. 

The Democrat Party and Washington-Insiders (the swamp), all believe they are smarter than you.  You were supposed to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016, so she could continue the fundamental transformation of America that Barack Obama was unable to complete during his eight years in the White House. 

Fortunately, right-thinking American voters rejected Hillary Clinton, and instead, elected Donald Trump to be the 45th President of the United States of America. 

So now, the Democrats want to punish those right-thinking voters, and implement certain changes to make sure they cannot win again in 2020.

This battle against American voters is far from over.  But for now, the final decision on President Trump is in the hands of the U.S. Senate.  However, House Speaker Pelosi is now working feverously in an effort to control the outcome of the Senate vote, even though she has no authority to do so — and sadly, she has the full support of the swamp and the fake-news media.

The American people had better wake-up, get right with God, and retake control of our government.  We cannot expect God to continue blessing America while we continue aborting our unborn children, and supporting the LGBTQ+ lifestyle, and same-sex marriage.   We are provoking the Lord God Almighty, and that will lead to dire consequences for America, if we don’t quickly change our sinful ways.