If you offer a differing opinion about what the liberal media and the Washington elite are saying about the war in Ukraine, you will be labeled a Russian propagandist or worse, a traitor to America.

In other words, it is no longer acceptable to have an opinion or much less express it in public unless it is approved by the Biden administration and the media.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine this month suggested that he might accept so-called Ukrainian neutrality or an agreement for his country not to join NATO in order to get Russia to withdraw.

Ukraine joining NATO is a bad idea for Europe and the United States and it could have been what triggered Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

But American media will not tolerate a discussion of this idea, even though it originated from Zelenskyy. Their narrative is that Russia invaded solely because Putin is bad. Zelenskyy’s suggestion, therefore according to Biden and his media minions, is Russian propaganda.

Many Republicans, including U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said anyone who takes a position other than Romney’s is “almost treasonous.”

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, wants to know the truth about why the United States financed 25-30 biolabs in Ukraine to do research on “dangerous pathogens.” Gabbard did not call them weapons but she wondered why America didn’t remove those dangerous chemicals before the war when Joe Biden knew there would be a combat zone.

“Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives,” Romney wrote about Gabbard, who is a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve.

The federal government has admitted that the biolabs exist, that we financed them and that they could be dangerous if they fell into Russian hands. Pentagon officials said chemical weapons are not being moved into Ukraine and that these biolabs do research on deadly pathogens like botulism and anthrax – chemicals that could turn into weapons.

People like Tucker Carlson on Fox, one of few news outlets that have talked about this story, are vilified for asking this question.

Almost all Democrats and most Republicans are one a war footing and some even want to escalate the Russia-Ukraine war into a nuclear conflict. Include Biden and America’s industrial war complex and they are powerful in suppressing anyone who questions the prospect of World War III.

Prior to World War II, America had many loyal citizens who were isolationists. They questioned the value of sending soldiers to fight a war in Europe. They got on board with the war effort after Pearl Harbor. But they were not shouted down prior to the war and they were accused of treason.

The Bill of Rights is still in effect in this nation and part of a genuine “democracy” is the freedom to dissent.

With people like Biden in charge and with the state of the media, the threat of nuclear war and the loss of constitutional freedoms are growing.