The National Football League approved a disgraceful show the Super Bowl halftime show this year.
Profanity was all over the place.
In fact, here is the count on the profanity that peppered the show. Here are the words in some of those songs:
F-word 13 times; N-word 16 times; M—– F—– – 4 times; P— -word – 3 times, and B**** – 24 times
This is what the NFL condones to be shown to millions of Americans, including impressionable kids?
Here’s more evidence of the slime.
Singer Snoop Dogg (who performed in that halftime show) worked on a song in January with these lyrics:
“All you n*****s out there
Take your guns that you using to shoot each other
And start shooting these b** a** m*****f****ing police
That’ll impress a m*****f***ing n***** like me”
In an effort to bend completely to woke culture (and Democrat officials), the NFL abdicated its responsibility to clean up what they broadcast because the performers were mostly minority members.
It’s fine to use these performers (although they are not very talented) but there needs to be oversight coming from outside of their own taste.
What’s the solution?
One would be to turn off the TV at half-time of the Super Bowl and a lot of people took that option.
A second choice would be to not watch at all. Many people only watch for the TV commercials and, frankly, they were mostly political this time.
Or people could watch the game and mute their TV.
In any case, the NFL needs to rethink their policies.