Former NFL quarterback/activist Colin Kaepernick disrespects America and now Nike is endorsing his protest.
In 2016, while a backup quarterback with the San Francisco 49ers, Kaepernick refused to stand for the playing of the National Anthem and disrespected the U.S. flag. A free agent, no NFL team has signed him to a contract since then.
His protest against America inspired a handful of other NFL and NBA players to take a knee during the playing of the National Anthem and it has caused a drop in attendance for the NFL overall and a dip in TV ratings.
Despite the uproar, Nike decided to make a hero out of Kaepernick and air a commercial with him as part of their 30th anniversary. It’s a slap in the face to all Americans, especially those who risk their lives in the military, policemen, firefighters and other emergency personnel.
This is America and Kaepernick and Nike have every right to protest the systems that has made them billions of dollars and provided them a level of freedom unheard of in the rest of the world. But consumers also have a right to protest by stopping purchases of Nike products.
College of the Ozarks in Missouri plans to remove all athletic uniforms purchased from Nike or that contain the Nike emblem. Student athletes will no longer wear the brand in response to the company’s new ad campaign.
In October 2017, the college revised its contracts for competition in all sports, adding a stipulation that all participating players and coaches show respect for the American flag and national anthem.
National law enforcement organizations and a host of other patriotic groups are calling for a boycott of Nike products.
Americans shouldn’t reward this level of disrespect.