The Senate Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would require women to register for the draft.
This is a bad idea.
America has no need for a draft and women should only serve on a voluntary basis.
America ended the draft in 1973 although young men still have to register when they turn 18. We have enough men to reinstitute the draft in a genuine national emergency. The armed forces could double its size to five million by merely drafting 2.5% of the men available for the draft.
We should not draft women, especially for combat units.
Women have served admirably in every war since the Revolutionary War. They have filled various roles and have proved vital to the war efforts. “Rosie the Riveter” was crucial in World War II to domestic manufacturing
Men and women are different. That is true science.
It is more dangerous for women than men to be in combat situations. In fact, the physically training for women in Armed Forces is deliberately less stressful than for men.
A draft is random. In case of war, if more women were inadvertently drafted over men, it could cause serious problems in combat. Studies have proven that sex-related physical differences negatively affected coed units’ speed and effectiveness. There are privacy concerns and other factors that make using women in other jobs more sensible.
America needs to protect its women and its women soldiers.
Forcing young women to register for a draft is a step backwards if the goal is the most moral and effective way to defend our nation.