Joe Biden is making one purposeful energy mistake after another.
The latest is a purely political move to draw down 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a lame attempt to lower gasoline prices.
After shutting down oil pipelines and forbidding oil and natural gas exploration on federal lands, Biden pleaded with OPEC members to increase production to lower prices and that went nowhere. Biden thought he could lower gas prices with foreign imports while destroying America’s production and exploration.
“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is supposed be used during genuine national emergencies not as a mechanism to reduce the price of gasoline,” said U.S Rep. Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma. “If the Biden Administration wants to lower gasoline prices, it should end its war on the American oil and gas industry. It could do so by reversing its decision to limit new exploration and production on federal lands and authorizing construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Trump Administration showed that when domestic production of oil and gas is encouraged, robust economic growth and low gasoline prices can also exist simultaneously.”
The reason we have a reserve is in case of emergency, especially since we need gas to run our military.
But Biden and his handlers want to destroy the coal, oil and natural gas industry to placate the liberals who believe in global warming and they are willing to jack up the cost of energy and destroy American oil independence. This is wrong-headed and destructive. It’s one of the reasons why Biden’s popularity is so low. Leave the reserve alone and promote domestic production of energy.