Here’s a good idea – eliminate state sales tax on groceries.
Rep. Sean Roberts, R-Hominy, is leading that charge in the new session of the Oklahoma Legislature.
“Currently only six states allow full taxes on groceries, Oklahoma being one,” Roberts said. “We currently have a surplus in funds and revenues are up, so now is the time to bring this much needed relief to Oklahoma families.”
Roberts wants a state question on the November ballot that he thinks will pass that will end the state collection of sales tax on groceries. City and county sales tax on groceries would continue.
“Grocery prices are continuing to rise along with inflation thanks to the reckless policies instituted by the Biden Administration,” Roberts said. “If this referendum is put to a vote of the people and approved, Oklahoma businesses would see a growth in revenue and Oklahomans would be able to get more bang for their buck at the grocery store. It is common sense legislation that benefits all parties and I am looking forward to advocating for its passage this session.”
The change would provide a sales tax exemption for items that are eligible for purchase in the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. It would apply to everyone, not just SNAP beneficiaries.
This has been proposed before but Democrats and big government Republicans successfully kept it off the ballot because they never want to end any tax.
Sales tax is regressive. It hurts poor people more than the wealthy. It’s time to take this tax off groceries.