In December, Mark Galli, editor of Christianity Today, called for the impeachment and removal of President Trump.

It would be incorrect to think that Galli or his magazine speaks for Evangelical Christianity. Christianity Today is a watered-down ecumenical publication that unlike the Bible, accepts all winds of doctrine and misinterpretation.

Galli wrote that Trump is “immoral” and “incompetent.” He asserted that the kangaroo court by House Democrats produced absolute evidence that showed Trump violated the Constitution.

They did not. They had no such evidence.

The left is loving this. Here they have a publication that pretends to speak for Biblical Christianity condemning Trump because he is imperfect and the enemy of their skewed view of morality.

Yet, Galli is taking the side of people like Rep. Adam Schiff, a pathological liar, Rep. Jerry Nadler, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. All hate President Trump.

Galli puts them up against Trump and declares them more moral? That is a joke.

The congressional Democrats want abortion on demand at any time for any reason. They want to destroy capitalism and replace it with socialism and totalitarianism. They promote homosexuality and homosexual marriage. They have erased Christian influence from public schools and are tearing down Christian symbols all over the nation.

Trump has helped minorities find employment. He has inserted fairness in international trade. He is protecting our southern border. He is supporting our military. He listens to Christian counselors in White House meetings. He has appointed conservative, God-fearing judges. He donates his entire salary to charitable causes.

Is Trump perfect? No. Does Christianity Today represent the majority of Christian evangelicals? Not by a long shot.

If founder Billy Graham were alive, he would be ashamed of this editorial and magazine.