What do you think would happen if a toddler is shown an unborn baby model at around 11 weeks into pregnancy?  Toddlers will instinctively call it a baby!

Jonathon Van Maren who is a public speaker and has his own pro-life blog/podcast was amazed that his toddler daughter who had never seen unborn baby models before, responded “Baby, Baby,” when she saw the models.

So this is something that is etched on all human hearts by God.  It is not learned, but taught to each and every one of us by the God-written laws on our hearts.  The fact that a toddler knows it’s a baby is proof of the humanity of the baby.

But how does one explain those who falsely think that it’s not yet a living baby?  It’s rather quite simple.  They have been deceived by the King of Lies, the Devil, into thinking it’s just a “clump of cells.”

They really don’t care to see ultrasounds of unborn babies because it convicts them of the truth, the truth that even toddlers know!