The fake news never stops.

The New York Times, in their zeal to destroy U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh recently published a story alleging him of “sexual misconduct” while he was at a fraternity party when he was a student at Yale.

Buoyed by the allegations made by a new book, Democrats running for president immediately called for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. Here’s the truth.

The alleged victim mentioned in the book has no recollection of that incident. The New York Times conveniently left that out of their story, which they had to correct after the truth became known.

In fact, none of the friends of this woman “victim” every recall her mentioning such an incident, even when Kavanaugh suffered through similarly baseless charges during his confirmation hearings.

There is not a shred of evidence that this “crime” took place. Kavanaugh has flatly denied and frankly, his word is much, much more credible than the partisan hacks who wrote and published this book.

Liberals are furious that Kavanaugh is seated on the Supreme Court. He was nominated by President Trump and confirmed by a majority in the U.S. Senate after a series of FBI background checks.

No one has accused Kavanaugh of rape and not one accuser has a credible memory of indiscretion on his part.

The New York Times has no credibility anymore. They rushed to libel Kavanaugh without checking the facts and with no sense of fair coverage. The Times wants to destroy Trump and everything associated with his presidency. They need a liberal Supreme Court and Kavanaugh, a conservative, stands in their way. They can’t win in the court of public opinion, so they must grab control of the courts.

This is more fake news from the liberal media.