Summit Christian Academy believes in Biblical values and some lesbians and the liberal media are livid.
Two lesbians wanted their 5-year-old daughter to attend the academy but school administrators said no. To allow her in would send a message to other students that homosexuality would be tolerated and even accepted at the school.
Good for Summit Christian Academy.
Homosexuality is a sin. It’s labeled that in the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The school believes that accepting this student would be telling her and other students that it is OK to violate scriptural principles that are consistently being taught a Summit Christian Academy. That would be hypocritical and harmful to the entire student body and to this student in particular.
KTUL broadcast a story that was completely sympathetic to the lesbian couple and totally critical of the school. The story argued that since the two women are not in the school, their daughter should be allowed to attend.
Of course, the lesbians hired an attorney and are threatening a lawsuit to force admittance on the basis that even though it is a Christian school, it should be forced to accept homosexuality as normal and natural. The school had a Paycheck Protection Program loan and the lesbians plan to argue that means the school must admit anyone – no questions asked.
Summit Christian Academy did the right thing. The sad part of this story is that the little girl won’t have access to a Christian education – in school or at home.