Never let a good crisis go to waste.

That is the unspoken theme of some who want to use the Chinese coronavirus to force vaccinations on their fellow citizens.

President Joe Biden, who would like to line up every American and force them to take a vaccine, understands that he can’t just sign an executive order and force citizens to be injected with a vaccine.

So, different strategies have sprung up.

One is for employers to force their employees to take the vaccine or to lose their jobs.

Does this sound far fetched in America, “land of the free and home of the brave?”

According to research by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), 40% of workers will probably not or definitely not get the vaccine. Twenty-eight percent say they would not get vaccinated if their employer required it – even if that decision meant risking termination.

Here are tips from one business consultant about how to force employees into vaccinations:

• If an employee refuses to get a shot, “encourage reluctant employees to look elsewhere for work.” Let them go look during working hours.

• Don’t waste time listening to anti-vaccination “fears and beliefs.” “…management should not spend an inordinate amount of valuable company time calming employees’ fears about the shots or  trying to sway their beliefs.”

Are coronavirus vaccinations good for people? The jury is still out because the effects of these chemicals may not be known for years. It normally takes years to approve a vaccine but these vaccines were rushed.

In any case, the decision to take a vaccine or any medication must be left to the individual. The government must not force vaccinations and businesses should not terminate employees who refuse to have a needle stuck in their arms.

Freedom is at low tide in America and this virus is being used to manipulate freedom-loving Americans.