President Joe Biden wants to force everyone in America to get the Chinese coronavirus vaccine.
Biden pretty much has advocated that federal agents go door to door to check on who has been vaccinated and then bully those who haven’t into taking the vaccine.
His surrogates in the federal government have gone so far as the suggest that the vaccine become mandatory and that the feds concoct a way to convince Americans that it is not mandatory when it is.
Hundreds of colleges are requiring students, faculty and staff to get the vaccine or not be allow admittance or to lose their jobs. The government, which already mandates useless masks on airlines, wants private businesses to turn the screws on employees to get vaccinated.
The feds try to soften this takeover by saying that Americans don’t have to get vaccinated but those who don’t must be tested constantly, must wear a mask and must avoid contact with others.
It is un-American and unconstitutional for the federal government to mandate vaccinations.
Being vaccinated is no guarantee that you won’t get the coronavirus. And if you have already had the coronavirus, studies show that vaccination could pose more risk than benefit..
Young people and children risk more from being vaccinated than they do from exposure to the coronavirus. More and more people who get vaccinated are developing serious health problems, including heart conditions. Perfectly healthy people are getting sick from the vaccines (which really aren’t vaccines in the true definition).
This is government at its worst.
Federal health officials are lying about the dangers of the vaccines and the consequences if you decline.
The Chinese coronavirus will decline and so will the threat, even with the emergence of variations.
If federal vaccination agents knock on your front door, don’t answer.
Chances are they have a vaccine that is not good for you.