Democrats want free college tuition for everyone.

Apart from this enormous cost, there is a sinister hidden agenda in these appeals to government funded higher education.

Free speech is being denied at varying levels at most colleges and universities. Liberal professor foster progressive thought and discourage or even ban conservatism.

Democrats want impressionable high school graduates funneled into a higher ed system that indoctrinates them into their worldview, which denigrates the Bible and other traditional American values.

College is expensive. Despite having enormous endowment funds, most colleges and universities have jacked up their costs to the extent that most students leave with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt.

And they graduate (or leave) with degrees that have little practical value.

Democrats, especially those running for president, are playing Santa Claus by offering free college tuition to everyone. It is a promise they know they can’t keep because of the incredible expense. And by throwing government money at higher education, the colleges have no incentive whatsoever to run efficiently or to warn students that a degree in anthropology or minority studies has little or no practical worth.

Not everyone needs to go to college. For the government to subsidize certain young people for tens of thousands of dollars in tuition costs and give nothing to student who choose another path is patently unfair.

Voters need to see though this thinly veiled scheme to buy votes and overfund higher ed.