In celebration of Law Day, Oklahoma lawyers will provide free legal advice from April 30 until May 4 via email.  Oklahomans can send their legal questions to [email protected].

“This will be our 44th year to offer this service; and normally, we supplement giving legal advice by email with a statewide toll-free phone number staffed by volunteer attorneys at two phone banks,” said Oklahoma Bar Association President Susan Shields of Oklahoma City. “Coronavirus safety precautions eliminated the phone banks this year, but with volunteers able to respond to email remotely, we are pleased to be able to continue to offer this community service to Oklahomans in need.”

The accompanying Ask A Lawyer television program will air across the state on April 30 at 7 p.m. on OETA. Though Law Day is celebrated across the country, it was Wewoka attorney and 1953 OBA President Hicks Epton who originally had the idea of celebrating the law and how it affects our lives in 1951. President Dwight D. Eisenhower established Law Day nationally by proclamation in 1958; in 1961, Congress set aside May 1 as a day for all Americans to celebrate their freedom and the ideals of equality and justice under the law. More information is available at