Public school teachers all over the nation are being told to abandon their Christian principles and traditional moral values and to bow to students who think they can change their sex.
Teacher Tanner Cross, an elementary teacher in Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia, went before the local school board to formally object to two proposed policy changes concerning “transgender students.”
Cross, a Christian, spoke of his scientific view that there are only two biological sexes – male and female – and they can’t be switched.
Less than two days later, Cross was suspended. He was punished for daring to challenge a new policy that would force teachers to address students using the gender pronoun of their choosing rather than their biological one.
That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom stepped in and filed a lawsuit after sending a letter to the district on the behalf of Cross. School officials adamantly denied the complaint by Cross.
By forcing a teacher to call a boy “she” or “her” they are reinforcing an extremely damaging lie to that young person. The same is true by calling a girl “he” or “him.”
Students, especially those in grade school, look to teachers for direction. For a teacher to be compelled to agree with a student who wants to change his or her sex is manipulation of the worst kind.
It is a prescription for further gender confusion and could persuade a child down a path of unhealthy hormone treatment and lifelong surgeries.
School districts should not be allowed to force teachers to violate their own beliefs to advance some progressive agenda. And that is especially true when that agenda violates scientific truth.
These are horrible policies made worse by the curtailing of freedom of speech.
This could be happening in Oklahoma now.