(Editor note: While some translations have minor flaws, the original Hebrew and Greek texts are flawless.)
The miracle of the Bible, the written Word of God, is not that it is without flaws which every translator will admit. Trying to defend it on that basis will always fall short. God, who has always existed, is the Creator of all things out of nothing, a nothing that our finite minds cannot comprehend when even empty space is something.
Our English language has an alphabet of 26 letters, A through Z, 45,000 to 50,000 words in the dictionary; 90/0 degrees that the average American cannot define; many that we cannot pronounce. The Bible probably uses 6,000 to 7,000 of these words.
I recently purchased a medical dictionary with more than 39,000 entries This my 95th year and I have been diagnosed with 3 medical problems: Memory and the other two I can’t remember. Tragically, most of my doctors have died.
On the cover of this medical dictionary, they advertise “1,000 new terms.” No shortage of things to be sick and tired over. The body is created to heal itself as well.
More healing has come about from the Bible’s version of “By His stripes we are healed” than by all other medical centers in the country. Certainly not to discount our blessing in America of doctors and hospitals. Although God is our source; we are blessed by God-given resources. The miracle of the Bible is that it becomes The Living Word of God as a seed planted in the hearts and minds of His Redeemed people, miraculously becoming an inexhaustible source to successfully live by, die by, second to none.
Any other defense to the skeptics will be futile. They need to change, not the Bible.
God uses His Written Word in ways that could fill libraries.