Governor Kevin Stitt has called for a special audit of the Tulsa Public Schools at the request of two Tulsa School Board members.

State Auditor Cindy Byrd will conduct the audit over whether the Tulsa Public Schools mishandled public funds.

And TPS Superintendent Deborah Gist has drawn criticism for not enforcing the state law against teaching Critical Race Theory, which blames white people for systemic oppression of minorities.

Ryan Walters, Republican candidate for State Superintendent and current Secretary of Education, said, “We’ve had enough. The Tulsa Public School administrator has continued to blatantly violate the law, and Governor Stitt’s demand for transparency is extremely important. Tulsa Public Schools has continued to ignore state law that prohibits public schools from teaching Critical Race Theory. Indoctrination will not be taught in our classrooms, and our children will not be the victims of the left’s woke agenda. Woke policies are not welcome in Oklahoma and consequences will be taken against any school district that chooses to violate HB 1775.”

Gist said she welcomes the audit and will cooperate fully.