Gun Appreciation Day Founders will host Guns and God Appreciation Day on September 14 across the nation.

The coalition of gun rights advocates led by Constitutional Rights PAC, which hosted the first Gun Appreciation Day in 2013, has returned with a new event. Their intent is to send a message about protecting the rights of gun owners and restoring God-fearing values to American culture.

“The Second Amendment is very clear,” says coalition-founder Larry Ward. “Our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed but that doesn’t stop our government from trying; and the more it tries, the more we will resist.”

Organizers are asking supporters to “be prayerful about returning our nation to God as the only solution to the hatred and mass murdering plaguing our blessed country.”

The first Gun Appreciation Day was held January 13, 2013, as a protest against any government policy that would affect the Second Amendment adversely. More than 500,000 supporters attended.

Since then, National Gun Appreciation Day has been observed annually on January 19.

Americans will be gathering across the nation on September 14 to demonstrate their support for “the constitutional right to own and bear arms, to demonstrate their faith and devotion to God and the precepts of natural law.”

Former President Barack Obama in 2008 declared that small-town Americans are “bitter,” and “they cling to guns or religion…as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Hillary Clinton, also, during the 2016 presidential campaign,  said Donald Trump supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables,” characterizing them as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamaphobic.”

“We want to double the turnout of the original Gun Appreciation Day,” Ward said. “Half a million people came out to celebrate their gun rights in 2013; we are shooting for a million this September.”