Democrats and the media love to spread misinformation about gun control.
The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives just passed a bill requiring “universal background checks” for firearms purchases.
If you listen to the media, you would think that this bill just means that if you go into a gun store, you will have to have a background check to purchase a gun.
But it is already federal law that someone undergoes a background check to purchase a new or used gun from a licensed arms dealers.
What “universal background checks” would do is inject government control over firearm transactions between individuals. In other words, you couldn’t sell a shotgun to your neighbor without an FBI check on his eligibility. Your late uncle couldn’t leave his target pistol to you in his will unless you passed a federal background check.
That’s bad enough but the worst part is it sets the stage for universal gun registration. And federal gun registration is a prelude to gun confiscation and repeal of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
And even if all of the guns were registered and confiscated from law-abiding citizens, it wouldn’t stop mass shootings because criminals won’t surrender their guns.
It’s a tragedy when someone opens fire on innocent people. That’s undeniable. Stripping away the basic right to defend yourself through Democrat gun control legislation is not an answer.