The 2020 Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is looking for new and returning sponsors.
SFSP, a U.S. Department of Agriculture program administered by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), provides meals at no charge to children during the summer, when school is not in session.
Eligible sponsors include:
- public or governmental agencies
- private, nonprofit residential summer camps
- private, nonprofit organizations
Sponsors provide a site and staff for the summer meal program and must meet specific requirements. Financial assistance is given to approved sponsors to assist with the cost of obtaining, preparing and serving food under the program, including administrative costs.
Progress has been made, many food-insecure communities and areas still do not offer summer meals to children.
The SFSP focuses on two types of children – those from needy areas who are participating in summer educational or recreational programs and eligible children enrolled in summer camps. Children age 18 and under may receive free meals at any participating SFSP site. Those 19 years and older with a mental or physical disability who participate in a public or private nonprofit program related to the disability during the school year are also eligible.
Needy areas are those in which half of the children are eligible for free- and reduced-price meals in school. Eligibility may also be determined on an individual basis or via census information.
To become a SFSP sponsor, contact Dee Houston at (405) 522-4943, (405) 420-9367 or [email protected].