Here are the facts that you won’t get from the liberal news media, local and national.

Donald Trump did more to advance the conservative agenda than any president since Ronald Reagan.

Democrat operatives in at least six states rigged the election returns so that it was impossible to get honest, legitimate results.

Joe Biden will not finish a four-year term due to his health and Kamala Harris will become president.

Kamala Harris and her handlers will try to turn America into California – a hotbed of failed progressive policies.

Nancy Pelosi will try to bankrupt the nation with growing welfare entitlements, extension of benefits to illegal aliens and Medicare for everyone.

Chuck Schumer will raise income taxes on every corporation and force small businesses all over the nation to fold.

Biden will try to make every American wear a mask.

Biden will try to force everyone to get the Chinese coronavirus vaccine.

The Communist Chinese will have unrestricted trade access to American markets and will penalize American imports into China.

The Biden Family will get richer and richer.

Plagiarism will be common in the Biden Administration, from the top to the bottom.

NBC, CBS, ABC, MSMBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, the Tulsa World and almost all local TV stations will gush praises on Biden and minimize his mistakes.

Biden’s health status will not be truthfully reported.

The Stock Markets will lose trillions of dollars in value due to the unchecked growth of the federal government and retirees in particular will suffer great financial loses.

The dollar will be devalued because Democrats and most Republicans don’t believe in fiscal responsibility.

Recreational marijuana will be legalized nationally.

Some form of the Fairness Doctrine will be reinstated.

Planned Parenthood will get federal funding for abortions.

America will sign an international “climate change” treaty that is designed to destroy our oil and gas industry and transfer American wealth to other countries.

Our southern border will be more porous than ever and illegal aliens already here will be given full citizenship.

The clamps will be put on free speech, with special restrictions on talk radio and Christian talk radio.

Health care will deteriorate and will cost more.

Parental choice in schooling will limited and public schools will get more federal mandates about embracing homosexuality and other progressive topics.

Our military will be underfunded and top military leaders will retire early in frustration.

Our adversaries overseas – including China and Iran – will take full advantage of our newfound weakness in negotiations and military strength and will to fight. Endless wars in the Middle East will continue.

Trump’s peace initiative in the Middle East will be abandoned.

The federal government will go wild with new regulations, especially in the realm of energy production and environmentalism (see California for an example).

Major businesses will go belly up due to overtaxation and other corporations will flee overseas to avoid confiscatory taxation.

This is a bleak picture. What can we do?

First and foremost, believers in Jesus Christ should drop to their knees and pray for forgiveness from God Almighty. Part of that is confessing our own sin of omission in countering the demise of this nation.

Secondly, we don’t give up. Christians have a right and responsibility to be engaged in politics and in the culture. Christians should run for school board, for the State Legislature, for city council, for mayor, for county commissioner – for every level of elected office. And if you don’t run, support those conservative Christians who do with your vote and financial contributions.

Look for other options for getting your news. Try something other than Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Why should a conservative Christian patronize this massive social media that are devoted to destroying the traditional American way of life?

It amazes me when people subscribe to publications that are profane or anti-American. There are other options. You are reading one right now.

And Republicans need to be more strategic. The GOP should already be targeting House Districts and Senate seats for 2022. It would not take many victories to flip control of the Congress from the Democrats back to the GOP. And that would help put the clamps on Biden and his handlers.

And finally, keep on doing good. Go to church. Help your neighbors.  Raise your kids.  Get rid of debt. Work hard.  Pray for your family, your church and, yes, even for corrupt leaders (we are instructed to do so in the Bible).

This is not the worst situation that Americans have found themselves in. Obama’s first two years were horrific but then the Republicans captured the House and Obama was prevented from doing as much damage as he planned.

Reagan was right. There is a city on a hill. We’ve been there, and with God’s grace, we will get back there soon.