After more than two years of an inquisition-type “investigation,” the Mueller Special Counsel report has been delivered to the director of the Department of (in)Justice.  In my opinion, the term “injustice” fits since the terms of PRESJC-42 (Bill Clinton), who had the privilege of nominating candidates for Federal District and Appellate judges to positions created by Congress in answer to a claimed backlog of cases. 

In my memory, there was no mass publication of details on this supposed backlog but a substantial Democrat majority in both houses of Congress conspired to create these positions.

As a result of this, there has, again in my opinion, been a substantial derailing of the constitutional and Declaration of Independence principle of “equal justice for all” throughout the United States.  Other examples of this have been seen in the misconduct of the IRS (Infernal) Revenue Service(?). 

There have been numerous examples of misconduct from that group against those of us who believe strongly in a republic form of government and are willing to spend time and assets to bring about a return to the republic established in the 1780s by the dedicated delegates in Philadelphia during a hot summer.

In staffing his organization, Mueller chose the most dedicated and aggressive never-Trump Democrat lawyers available.  They were given unlimited scope of investigation and were protected in their blatant disregard of the primary tenants of judicial correctness by other bureau management personnel.  Thus the investigation ranged far from the original program. 

It also appears possible that the group will not be disbanded and continue to harass and indict additional individuals with any remote connection to PRESDT-45.  All this in lockstep with the admitted desire of the Democrat National Committee and House majority members for the removal of the properly and constitutionally elected President of the United States.

The report seems to be clear, if media reports are to be believed, that there was absolutely no evidence proven against the Trump campaign of collusion with Russia or any other foreign entity to obtain an improper victory in the 2016 election.  On the contrary, known evidence would indicate that there was such activity going on between the Clinton campaign and members in the Democrat National Committee.  It should be remembered that an investigation earlier into the supposed improper e-mail usage by candidate Clinton while she was Secretary of State was given a whitewash by a report from the FBI enumerating numerous law violations but excusing her misconduct on the basis of  “lack of criminal intent” or ignorance.

Along that line, the hue and cry of those in Congress and elsewhere that the popular vote was two million more for Clinton and that should make her victorious despite the electoral overwhelming majority for her opponent has, of course, not been refuted in any national’ media, other perhaps than Fox News. 

Information has been received by me that the popular vote in four of the five boroughs of New York had majorities for her of more than that number alone.  That is the reason the founders provided the Electoral College (in which it was my privilege to participate in 2000) was so that the heavily concentrated and populated states could render the more rural and sparsely populated states irrelevant and thus disenfranchised and at the complete mercy of the others.  In that extreme that situation could bring about the break-up of the Union, as postulated by Richard Engle in his book The Last American President. 

My prayer and effort is that they do not succeed.