The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $8,546,252 to support homeless programs across Oklahoma. 

Last month, HUD announced nearly $2 billion in grants to renew funding to thousands of local homeless assistance programs throughout the United States. 

Combined with new grants, this funding represents a record investment to support state and local efforts across the nation to reduce and end homelessness.  

HUD Secretary Ben Carson made the announcement in Akron, Ohio during a visit to the Battered Women’s Shelter, a HUD-assisted local program that houses domestic violence victims who are at risk of homelessness.

“Today we make another critical investment to those persons and families living in our shelters and on our streets,” said HUD Secretary Ben Carson. “These new programs will join those already on the front lines in their communities working to end homelessness.”

Groups that got grants in Tulsa County are: 12th Street Safe Haven ($222,768); 5600PSH ($547,757); CoC Coordinated Entry System FY2018 ($64,368); CoC Planning Project Application FY2018 ($80,240); Hudson Villas ($117,554); LTS Apartments Tulsa ($828,195); LTS Apartments VI ($129,983); Sharelink Homeless Management Information System FY2018 ($123,113); TDC Permanent Supportive Housing Program ($125,514); TDC Rapid Rehousing Program ($226,199); Walker Hall TLC ($88,456); and William D. Packard Permanent Supportive Housing ($138,982).

HUD grants support a broad array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of becoming homeless.  Each year, HUD serves more than a million people through emergency shelter, transitional, and permanent housing programs.

HUD continues to challenge state and local planning organizations called “Continuums of Care”.  Many of these state and local planners also embraced HUD’s call to shift funds from existing underperforming projects to create new ones that are based on best practices that will further their efforts to prevent and end homelessness.