Democrat presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg thinks he is a homosexual because God made him that way and he has no choice in the matter.

Buttigieg is mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and a self-described “devout Episcopalian.”

He has strongly criticized Vice President Mike Pence, who is not a homosexual and who believes that the Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is a sin.

Buttigieg is not only a practicing homosexual (who is married to another man) but he is a rapbid advocate of the Homosexual Agenda. In April, he spoke at the LGBTQ Victory Fund National Champagne Brunch in Washington, D.C., and called legalized homosexual marriage a “moral issue.” “My marriage to Chasten has made me a better man and yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God,” said Buttigieg.

The truth is that his sexual choices have made him less of a man because he has turned from God’s plan in marriage.

“I can tell you, that if me being gay was a choice, it was a choice that was made far, far above my pay grade,” he said. “And that’s the thing I wish the Mike Pence’s of the world could understand, that if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.”

This is why Buttigieg is so dangerous. He wants to turn and twist the definition of sin by saying it is God’s fault that he prefers men to women.

Normal marriage is the bedrock of the family and the family the cornerstone of any successful culture. The Homosexual Agenda seeks to tear down the Judeo-Christian definition of marriage and replace it with sinful substitute.

Please don’t ever cast a vote for this person.