[Looking at history and why our area has its unique political and religious attitudes.]

The history of mankind has always stirred a simple question. How long have people lived here? One of our readers broached the question. One of his audio books affirmed Columbus was a late comer to the Western Hemisphere. He asked if we could create a time-line from our earlier articles about the residents and traders?

Determining the sequence and timing of events is a challenge of linking numerous sources. If a different historian arrives at a slightly different time-frame, we are OK with that. A very specific history is recorded within the 3500-year-old Tanakh. Much of the story of humans is outside that record. Our timeline will be largely outside of that account.

Old World histories were Eurocentric. That was all they knew. Traditional history has ignored the evidence of developed peoples in our region long before Columbus. The artifacts are too great to do that any longer. Refer to our earlier articles for more details. Many younger archaeologists have gotten the picture.

Post-Flood: virtually every culture and history in the world has some semblance of a flood history, with a hero such as Noah (Ziudsura, Atrahasis, Utnapishtim, Nata in other languages).

Most histories are rife with demigods, part human-part divine. Even the Tanakh has substantial discussions about these beings, called Nephilim and other terms. Their monikers were heroes, kings, super-human, demons, and angelic. The ancient so-called ‘myths’ have a real history basis.

Pre-4000 BC is the Chalcolithic or Copper Era. Human society develops in the Sumer area of southern Mesopotamia along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

Gilgamesh in the Sumerian language was a world traveler by boat with sails and oars going on months long journeys across the seas. His influence becomes Phoenician global travelers. The Sumerian List of Kings regales people who lived for exceedingly long periods.

Babel, Babylon, and various name derivatives was the leading city/state of Sumer. The area is famous for ziggurat structures. The culture deviated from the traditional worship of the mono-theistic God, which had been the dominant religious/political practice since the Flood era. Without that cohesive influence, the people were scattered and their language disrupted circa 4000 BCE, beginning the Early Bronze Age.

Watson Brake on the Ouachita River in Louisiana is the oldest known mound (ziggurat) complex in the Americas, dating from 3600 BC. Radiocarbon dating shows smaller occupation since 4000 BC. The society continued to 2800 BC. Their mounds were not burial structures but home sites and worship sites. The society was patriarchal-religious without a formal government. Unlike other ziggurats around the world, the mounds were dirt since no significant rocks and boulders exist in the delta. The near perfect year around weather, with abundance of natural food, requiring no agriculture, made the area a veritable Eden. Snakes along the waterways appear to be the only enemies. Think about being the only people.

The Ouachita is a very large, navigable tributary of the massive Atchafalaya system with ocean access. Watson Brake is much older than pyramids or Stonehenge. As early as the 1930’s over 800 mounds along this and adjacent waterways were identified and excavated indicating an ongoing occupation. These were not overland migrants but regular river and ocean navigators.

The Inga stone in a riverbed of northeast Brazil has Phoenician, proto-Sumerian, and other ancient language engravings dating from 4000 BC. These include petroglyphs to Orion. The ancient demi-god hero ruler of Babel was Marduk the hunter, Nimrod to the Hebrew, Baal to the Phoenician, and Orion the hunter to the Greek.

Base maps for Antarctica trace to 4000 BC. US Air Force and Navy research has affirmed the accuracy.

About 3200 BC, Newgrange and Knowth in Ireland were occupied. These were solstice sites.

Arkansas / Cimmaron River caves from about 2500 BC have solstice worship sites and engravings to the Egyptian god Anubis, a distinct humanoid body with a canine head. Other petroglyphs relate to Phoenician /Punic symbols, including the Queen of Heaven.

The Pyramids of Egypt were about 2575 – 2465 BC, over a millennium after Watson Brake. Frescos show boats much larger than Columbus which could ply the Mediterranean and Atlantic.

Stonehenge came into England about 2500 BC.

Michigan along the Great Lakes had huge copper mines before 2000 BC, as early as 2500 BC. Petroglyphs indicate copper shipments across the seas to Scandinavia, Ireland, and apparently Anatolia to provide Mediterranean Bronze.

Poverty Point up a bayou tributary from the Ouachita River with some of the largest mounds /earthworks/ziggurats in North America had an advanced civilization from 1700 BC to 1100 BC. Objet d’art compares to Europe and Siberian.

The North American pre-history people were not a single ethnicity but came from numerous global cultures.

They were extremely intelligent with skills in mathematics, astronomy, navigation, architecture, and religion.

Abraham was a Middle East rancher-lord circa 1900 – 1700 BC.

Sodom airburst destruction, recently validated by Tall al Hammam archaeology research, was circa 1750 BCE.

Sea-Peoples invaded the Mediterranean about 1400 – 1100 BC. These People arrival changed the culture and power structure.

1200 – 1170 BC sees a worldwide collapse of knowledge and cultures. This was from Poverty Point society in Louisiana to Egypt to China.

Literally around the world are documents of particular people living extraordinarily long lives. Before Babel these were near 1000 years old, Sumerian accounts have them 10,000 years old. Plotting the exponential decay in lifespan, the last of the very long lived were about 1100 BC.

Saul is proclaimed king in the Middle East circa 1040 BC, about the mid-point between early historical records and today.

The Greek, Roman, and Eurocentric cultures would not arrive for centuries.

History is not coincidences, but is an enigma for deciphering. Ah, there is so much more!    If the adage is true that ‘history is written by the winners,’ what does that tell us about the oldest surviving, widely, continually used history, the Tanach?

Think about did your history classes identify pre-Columbian global travel? Does the data identify a global dispersion including Americas and Antarctica? Does it show hyper-intelligent people as world travelers? Does the last of the long-lived people correspond to the end of Nephilim and the disruption of the entire human culture? At that era, did the Sea-Peoples reverse migrate from the Americas? Does the silence of social education keep the history from being true or affirm its truth?

Send us your histories, traditions, and questions including memories or twists. We would like to bring them along.