Tulsa County Clerk Michael Willis has launched a new map-based real estate records tool called LOCCAT (pronounced like “locate”).
The acronym stands for Land Records Organized by County Clerk Assessor and Treasurer. The application is web-based and is accessible through the Tulsa County Clerk website. It is free to the public.
LOCCAT is designed for residents to have easy and quick access to records kept in the County Clerk, Assessor and Treasurer’s Offices. The County Clerk’s Office records will show ownership of property through the deeds that are available.
The information offered from the Assessor’s Office displays the assessed value of real estate. And the information from the Treasurer’s Office shows the property tax amount and status.
“We’re excited to be able to create a one-stop place for the records that people want and need to access,” said Tulsa County Clerk Michael Willis. “Adding this service has been on my priority list for a while, and I think our citizens and customers will enjoy the convenience since it will eliminate the need to access several different websites to get property information from our county offices.”
LOCCAT was established through a cooperative effort by the County Clerk, County Assessor and County Treasurer, and is offered and paid for by the County Clerk’s Office.
To view this application, go to http://www.countyclerk.tulsacounty.org/ and click the LOCCAT icon on the bottom right corner.