Who would have ever thought the United States could lose its way and find itself on a slippery slope to becoming a banana republic in which political power is typically determined by coups rather than elections? But it appears that many in the Democratic Party are willing to go down this road and risk the nation’s continuity and stability in a desperate effort to regain power and control.
Since there is simply no greater crime against the United States, its Constitution and its people than subverting the government that is duly elected by the people, Americans need to clearly remind Washington that the legitimacy of our government comes exclusively from the people.
Think about it… why should Democrats in Congress be ignoring their legislative responsibilities, and wasting their time and the nation’s scarce resources with impeachment proceedings less than a year away from the next presidential election on November 3, 2020? And why would Democratic Party powerbrokers think impeachment a wise course to follow, particularly after putting the country through nearly two-years of the Mueller investigation—which proved to be a hoax.
What many are now realizing is that Democratic Party leadership has lost its bearings and is now controlled by the extreme left—an amalgam of pro-Islamic and Marxist views as represented by the so-called “squad.” The impeachment effort is not just an attack against Donald Trump; it’s also an effort to dishearten and disenfranchise nearly half the country who voted for him. And this cannot stand.
The American Republic established by the Constitution was intended to be a more stable system of government based on honoring the results of scheduled elections than the parliamentary form of democracy, where politics and a no-confidence vote could bring a government down and require a new one to be formed on an unscheduled basis. Relative political stability and continuity of the American Republic has been the chief contributing factor to the nation’s civility, as well as its meteoric economic rise over the last 240 years.
Alexander Hamilton, in The Federalist No. 65, warns that impeachment hearings are highly divisive and cause Congress to face the quandary of whether they would be acting in the interests of the nation by removing the people’s choice in a president. Thus, the cause for impeachment must be a clearly recognizable high crime that mobilizes action across party lines starting in the House of Representatives, with the trial and outcome determined by a supermajority of 66 in the Senate.
After just a few days of testimony from Chairman Adam Schiff’s lead witnesses it’s clear that President Trump’s actions and involvement with Ukraine matters are more like a redux of the Mueller investigation hoax than any high crime. Moreover, any referral of a Trump impeachment to the Republican-controlled Senate will simply be dead on arrival.
So why are Democrats wasting time and pushing impeachment hearings? It’s rather obvious that they are driven by desperation and view the impeachment proceeding as a “hail Mary” pass to smear Trump and generate more smoke such that people won’t be able to see and understand what’s going on. And by creating continuous smoke around Donald Trump, they hope that the average voter will conclude that there must be fire that needs to be doused by voting him out of office on November 3, 2020.
The Democrats’ trivialization of impeachment runs totally contrary to what the framers of the Constitution intended. They specifically required a Senate supermajority because it made impeachment rare and strengthened the central role of elections in which the government’s sole legitimacy came from the people. It was elections that would provide the primary mechanism for the peaceful transition of power, and not coups and impeachments from party passion or for purely political reasons.
What will happen to the United States if there is no corrective to the hyper-partisan coup-impeachment path that has been unfolding from day 1 after President Trump’s election in November 2016? The fact is that we have seen an unprecedented abuse of power by Democrats even while they have been in the minority, such as what was exhibited in the Senate’s Supreme Court justice confirmation hearings of candidate Judge Brett Kavanaugh.The Democratic Party has become more intolerant as it has become more radical, even embracing and encouraging mob action against political opponents. Much of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights has become increasingly meaningless. In many instances, due process and the presumption of innocence has been turned on its head. Gone is free speech on most university campuses. And the bulk of the legacy press in America has become an arm of the Democrat Party and ceased any semblance of reporting news. Social media, where the majority of Americans under 50 now get their news, has also followed suit—censoring individuals and views that challenge the politically correct narrative.
And this has happened largely at a time when the Democrats have been the minority party. Why would the majority of Americans want to give more power to a party which has clearly demonstrated such abuse and embraced the ways of banana republics?