As of July 25, 2020, there were 146,418 deaths in the USA this year due to the China Virus, Covid-19.  During that same period, there were 498,171 deaths in the USA due to abortion.

Think about that.  We are willingly and purposely killing our innocent babies at a rate 3 ½ times greater than the China virus, and yet none of the health “experts” have issued any warnings about abortion.

And that includes Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the CDC, and Dr. Jerome Adams, the U.S. Surgeon General – it also includes every Democrat politician, including Joe Biden.

In fact, these Democrats have declared abortion clinics to be an essential service, and must remain open, while many businesses and churches have been shut down . . . and sadly, many church pastors have quietly complied, and remain silent about the sins of abortion.

Do you think God is going to continue to bless America while we continue killing our innocent children?

God’s Word tells us that in the days of Jeremiah, the people became so wickedly perverted and sinful, that God hide His face from them and refused to respond to their prayers, and finally released his wrath upon them (see Jeremiah, chapter 32).

Have we in America today, so provoked the Lord with abortion, same-sex marriage, and the perversion of the LGBTQ+ homosexual lifestyle, that He is hiding His face from us?  If we have, all we can do is watch and weep as our nation is destroyed. 

Hopefully, the earnest sorrowful repentance of the American people will cause the Lord to come to our rescue.  I hope it is not too late.