President Joe Biden’s Town Hall program on CNN on July 21 was sad, troubling and frightful.
Biden stumbled through a contrived set of issues be with his cliched answers.
There was no sense of journalistic integrity from anti-Trump host Don Lemon. Lemon tossed only softball questions and tried to hide his worry when Biden failed to answer in complete sentences.
Biden gave an incongruent answer to a question about whether children under age 12 should have vaccinations. This was a jumble answer from someone who is the most powerful person in the world.
CNN and the White House cleverly arranged that there was hardly any audience in the hall and that the TV audience was prevented from seeing the sparse audience so they wouldn’t think that Biden speeches are unpopular.
Biden would never go on Fox News. Yet former President Donald Trump did interviews with all the major networks even though none of them were sympathetic to his policies or presidency.
If you contrast Biden’s performance with Trump’s town halls, the differences are stark. Trump seems polished and aware while Biden looks confused and befuddled.
Democrats need to seriously look at whether Biden is competent to hold the office of the presidency.
Is his decline putting the nation in jeopardy?
It would be one thing is this were a one-time stumble but it seems to indicate an advancing problem.
Don’t expect to see any more Biden town halls on CNN.