It seems that those of the Communist/Fascist/Socialist movement have no other way of pushing their agenda than that worn-out method of (as usual) screaming labels such as racist, sexist, Nazi or homophobe – loudly and falsely at their enemies.  Those further out in left field have even gone into using the accusation that PRESDT-45 is “insane.”  Thus it appears to me that Dr. Michael Savage (a media name) is absolutely correct in his reply, and book title, Liberalism Is a Mental Disease. 

However, in my opinion, they may have finally begun to overstep the bounds of civility and just plain old common sense and this will lead to their end of power.  That is, if a mass of right-thinking voters overwhelm the polls and “vote the bums out” at the next general election.  It appears that those of the C/F/S movement feel that the 2018 mid-term results have given them a mandate to pursue their evil-minded efforts to return the United States and its citizens to the “political dark ages” of absolute dictatorship and serfdom misery.  It is a certainty in my mind that the weird packages being thrown out by some of the Democrat office holders and candidates would do just that. 

Not only that, but the “free love and nickel beer” type of proposals up to and including the announced Democrat candidates for the 2020 presidential election would serve to complete the bankrupting of the U.S. Treasury which would cause the wealthy to move elsewhere to places with existing corrupt dictatorships where they could, with their wealth, manage to acquire control and become the dictatorial rulers in their dreams.

It is my belief that PRESDT-45 has been playing the Democrats and RINOs along, like an experienced fisherman plays a hooked fish to his boat or shore.  It appears that he is willing to allow them all the rope they are willing to use to get themselves into a complete mess in the minds of the majority of common-sense members of the electorate.  I am of the opinion that we have not yet gone beyond the point of no return, especially with the personage of PRESDT-45 in the Oval Office driving them crazy with hatred resulting in careless excesses on their part.

In the meantime, the C/F/S-oriented major media members continue to clearly show their total bias on an hourly basis to the point that it is worthless to expect to get the truth out of any of the major sources.  The networks and daily papers have long ceased to be sources of news for me, except for the weather forecasts, and some of them appear to be whimsical in nature.  That is probably because they all seem to rely on the same set of computer models. 

Incidentally, if they cannot accurately predict the weather for five days, how can we believe they can accurately predict weather 10, 20 or 50 years ahead?  Global warming radicals, pay attention. 

It is my contention that “the first law of nature is change” still applies and it is utter arrogance for mankind to believe our puny efforts are able to have an effect on the whole climate, except for some localized instances.  One such is the favorable change in local weather in Eastern Oklahoma following the construction of a number of river dams in the 1930s to 1970s era.  The evaporation of water from the lakes did tend to moisten the climate and increase rainfall for those of us living here.

Along that line, it appears to me that we in Oklahoma have dodged the bullet with our new governor, Kevin Stitt.  He seams to be somewhat along the lines of ‘The Donald” (Ivana’s name for him) and willing to put forth the effort to bring control over some of the wasteful excesses prevalent in the state government operations.  In my mind, former Auditor Gary Jones was the candidate with the most solid knowledge of where the waste and corruption is and if Stitt will utilize his abilities and knowledge, the process will go much faster and easier.

However, it will take a major effort on our part, as citizens, to get the message out to those uninformed and to thwart the massive voter fraud of the recent past to be repeated.  It will be necessary for more of us to become involved in the party management to change the direction both parties have been headed.  It can be fun and personally rewarding. 

Also those who resort to the nasty campaign tactics must be defeated.