Crime is rampant in some major U.S. cities as Democrat mayors and governors cut police funding and shackle law enforcement.
In Atlanta, during a two-week period, there were 17 murders – a 240% jump from the five committed last year. Atlanta already has 61 homicides this year. There were 66 shootings with 106 victims in a recent 28-day period, compared to 26 shootings and 40 victims for the same period a year ago.
Chicago is worse. Police reported 31 murders from July 6-July 12 – a 417% increase from last year. During a recent 28-day period, Chicago has 116 homicides – compared to 41 last year.
There have been 385 murders this year in Chicago. Chicago has had more than 1,500 shooting.
Murders in Houston are up 37% from 140 in 2019 to 178 this year.
Los Angeles has had a recent surge of 49 shootings, with 19 murders from June 21 to July 5. There were nine last year.
New York City is becoming the most dangerous city in the nation. From July 6-12, the number of shootings increased 277% with 60 victims (17 for the same period last year).
In a 28-day period in New York, there were 239 shootings with 318 victims. Last year, there were 77 shootings and 97 victims. This is in a city where it is illegal to own a gun.
The same problem is rampant in Philadelphia and Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington – especially Portland and Seattle.
What is going on?
A major political party, the Democrats, are encouraging violent protests. The liberal news media is demonizing law enforcement with a subsequent drop in funding. And well-financed agitators are looking for every opportunity to stir up racial hatred and disrespect for law and order.
This has to stop. Americans will only put up with this for so long without taking decisive action to end the lawlessness.