What does U.S Sen. Kamala Harris have in common with the leaders of Communist China?
A lot, but specifically, Harris, the ultra-liberal Democrat from California who is running for president, doesn’t believe in freedom of speech even though it is imbedded in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution.
During the October 15 Democrat presidential debate, Harris reiterated her demand that Twitter stop allowing President Donald Trump to write tweets.
Harris, a former district attorney and attorney general in California, doesn’t like what Trump says in his tweets. So, she wants Twitter to censure the president of the United States from expressing any opinion – especially since those tweets are seen by millions of Americans.
This is the same strategy used by the Communist Chinese to stifle criticism of their actions to end protests in Hong Kong. This strategy has worked for the upper ups at the NBA, who don’t want to upset the communists who control a potential market of more than a billion possible basketball fans (and shoe buyers).
Harris wants to speak her mind freely but she wants Trump to be silenced.
Chinese communists want to clamp down on freedoms in Hong Kong and they use their money to deter critics from the NBA.
Also, Harris, who is for abortion on demand with no restrictions, said she would fight any state that created laws to slow down the rate of murder of unborn babies. Harris claimed that laws against abortion target poor, minority women when the fact is that abortion kills a disproportionate number of minority babies (about half are female, by the way).
Harris is a long shot to win the Democrat nomination and she is too far left to beat Trump. Someone from her law school should instruct her to reread the Constitution.