The Oklahoma Catholic bishops issued a statement in protest of the decision by Oklahoma Attorney General John M. O’Conner to set execution dates for six convicted murderers on Death Row.
The Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley, Archbishop of Oklahoma City, and the Most Rev. David A. Konderla, Bishop of Tulsa, wrote:
“We are disappointed and surprised by the state’s haste to set execution dates for six men on death row at the same time a federal court is reviewing Oklahoma’s lethal injection protocol to determine if it is constitutional. This decision also may pre-empt and void a commutation hearing already set by the state for one of the men, Julius Jones.
“It is important for us to support survivors and victims’ families who have been devastated by these crimes. But we have other means to exact justice and protect our communities without the use of capital punishment. We know from DNA evidence that many people have been sentenced to death who are later exonerated. Historically there have been biases and arbitrariness in the application of the death penalty. It also costs nine times more to execute a prisoner than to impose life imprisonment. Ultimately, capital punishment denies the opportunity for repentance and diminishes the dignity of all human life.”
In other words, they want to end capital punishment even though it is legal and supported by a majority of Oklahomans.
The vast majority of these cases stand. If you halt capital punishment, murderers and rapists have no ultimate deterrent.
The process to execute a criminal takes way too long and years and years of delays don’t serve justice.
The Bible affirms capital punishment. It must be just and fair but it needs to take place in the proper timing.