Senator Joe Newhouse
Senate District 25, Tulsa
After having returned from a year-long overseas military deployment, it was astonishing to me how much has changed in Oklahoma: Republican in-fighting which resulted in the exodus of many of our conservative voices; a teacher walkout on the heels of a large salary increase; and the encroaching acceptance of a drug that was once deemed harmful to society. It feels like we’ve been tipped out of our canoe and into churning waters. It is during uncertain times like these when we especially need strong leadership. To regain our conservative footing into 2019, we need to focus on two important principles:
- Remember where we came from and pay tribute to past victories. After decades of Democratic rule in Oklahoma, Republicans should remain proud for Workers Comp Reform, Right to Work, Pension Reform, and the Eight-Year Plan which has drastically improved our roads and bridges.
- Set the vision and march forward. The election of Governor-Elect Kevin Stitt signaled that Oklahomans had tired of usual politicians and favored someone who had proven adept at building a successful enterprise. What Stitt did for his business, Oklahomans want for our state.
I’m excited to work with Governor-Elect Stitt in making Oklahoma a Top Ten state.
My goal for 2019 is to devote all that I can in supporting this new and direly-needed vision of success for all Oklahomans.
What is good for Oklahoma will prove to be good for the Republican Party.
Senator Nathan Dahm
Senate District 33, Broken Arrow
The New Year is often a time of reflection and many people look to it as a chance for new beginnings. With so much turmoil in the world today, many people think things are worse now than they’ve ever been. It truly seems like the darkness is getting darker, but I believe the light is getting brighter.
History shows that humanity has overcome darkness time and again. One of my favorite quotes says that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Yes, things may seem darker, but standing for what is right is always the right thing to do. We must remain ever vigilant.
So as the new year begins, get refreshed and get ready to stand strong. As Galatians 6:9 tells us: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” 2018 is another year for us to continue doing what is right.
And if we stand strong we will see a sure reward in due season.
For the People, Nathan Dahm
Rep. Tom Gann
Oklahoma House District 8
We are blessed to live in a nation where we have a peaceful exchange of power in our government. Voters tell us their will, and the governed accept the majority choice until the next election. With this process comes a renewed sense of hope and confidence in our ability to govern ourselves.
Having just passed an election cycle, state lawmakers have the will of the populace fresh in their ears. Voters overwhelmingly chose men and women who promise to embrace conservative values.
It is because of this I can believe great opportunity awaits us as we organize for the 57th Legislature.
We begin a new era in state government with a new governor and lieutenant governor who both have innovative ideas for moving Oklahoma’s economy forward while protecting our cherished values. Couple this with 46 new members in the House of Representatives, and we have an exciting opportunity to renew our focus and live up to the challenges set before us.
These challenges include the need to continue to reform our state budget and to make education a top priority even as we continue to look for efficiencies
I will continue to dedicate my efforts to support and influence this new direction of state government to be more accountable and transparent.
It is with great hope that I enter this new year. God’s blessings to all.
Steven A. Kunzweiler
Tulsa County District Attorney
Don’t you occasionally feel like turning off the news as soon as you turn it on? Life can be that way sometimes. Fortunately, we have received guidance from those who are much more in tune with getting to the point of our existence.
The following is a quote from Mother Teresa. It has helped me many times in the past year – and I hope it helps you in the coming year.
- People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
- If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
- If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
- If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
- What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
- If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
- The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
- Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
- In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
Ken Yazel
Former Tulsa County Assessor
Having completed nearly 16 years as Tulsa County Assessor, I am moving into retirement with plenty of new things to do, and I can’t help but reflect on my time in office.
A few months back, without my prompting, my staff created a list of 25 accomplishments which happened over my tenure. They range from finding a way to efficiently operate my office with 20 fewer employees (saving about $1 million a year) to receiving a perfect score on three of the last four State Board of Equalization performance audits.
We modernized our technology as well as our organizational structure. Assessor employees throughout the office embraced a commitment to serving the taxpayers which I am very proud of. We developed processes for hiring better-educated and more capable employees, and then provided training, training, and more training. I asked my staff to assist other assessors whenever possible, and my office played a role in legislative efforts to improve valuation processes across the state.
Throughout the years, I tackled many issues and took a great deal of heat from within and outside county government. I was always first and foremost guided by how a given issue is impacting the taxpayers. I believe the citizens of Tulsa County could sense this by the way the assessor employees treated them and by my public efforts on their behalf. I am very grateful that they saw fit to elect me to office four times.
I support the new assessor and his senior staff who spent many years with me tackling the issues, big and small. While I am proud of what I accomplished for the taxpayers during my time in office, I am also gratified by the fact that the new assessor and his staff will continue, as their highest priority, to provide quality service to the taxpayers of Tulsa County.
John A. Wright
Tulsa County Assessor
2019 Forgetting Failures and Successes.
Well known words from the New Testament – “This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind…“
In order to fully embrace and conquer the various challenges that lay ahead in this New Year, it is important to forget the failures of the past. Like the coach that cries out encouragement to his players to “shake it off,” dwelling on what could have been or even should have been causes us all to lose focus on what could be.
Unwrapping the best gift, the potential that a fresh new year affords, or to quote someone who has said “you can’t drive forward very well focusing on the rear view mirror,” let us embrace with courage, faith and expectation the challenges ahead, and forget those things that are behind.
Rich Gradel
Broken Arrow Attorney
Like lots of people my age, the past year involved both wonderful times and also the bittersweet loss of loved ones. Even in loss there’s a silver lining in the reminder of the privilege it is to know people who live their lives well, all the way to the end. It also crystallizes for us how important it is stay focused on the true priorities in life.
No one put it better then Jesus, who actually repeated the message of the revered Jewish teacher, Hillel, when He summed up our duties to (1) love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and (2) to love our neighbors as ourselves.
I pray that in this coming year we will understand and live out the Lord’s teaching more deeply than ever before and, as a result, experience His blessings as never before.
Sr. Pastor Steve Whitaker John 3:16 Mission
“There is a Celtic saying that there are three feet between here and eternity and some places are thinner. For me, the notion of Thin Places rings true. In fact, there is a strong biblical foundation for Thin Places – for example, the Garden of Eden or the Burning Bush – where people had direct experiences with God. You, too, may have experienced the presence of the Lord in a Thin Place, perhaps a church or other location. Conversely, there are Thin Places where you may feel a chill, or the presence of evil.
I contend that the thinnest of Thin Places is the human heart. The heart is where a person can choose to come into direct communion with God or be influenced by evil. At the Mission, it’s my great privilege to see countless men and women choosing the former by leaving behind their old ways and choosing to follow God. When this happens, lives are transformed.
And that, in a nutshell, is what John 3:16 Mission is all about – helping others encounter God in the Thin Place of the heart so they can partake of His greatest gift of all – being transformed in Christ for now and eternity!”
Forrest Cowan
Executive Director, Mend Medical Clinic/PRC
What does 2019 hold for the children of Oklahoma? Recent statistics show Oklahoma abortions averaging 4,600 per year.
The battle for the family and for children’s lives, both born and unborn, has been joined by a growing number of determined volunteers, churches, and businesses. Our mission is to empower women in an unplanned pregnancy with life affirming alternatives through the love of Christ.
2018 Statistics
- 50 volunteers serving each week – An answer to prayer!
- 3,903 pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes, and Bible studies
- 677 abortion related calls
- 195 young fathers were helped with GED classes and job applications
- 3 years of help with diapers, clothing, car seats, and strollers
Won’t you join us? Mend is showing Christ’s love in a practical way with free professional medical care and confidential counseling.
“Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.” – Psalms 127:3
Pastor Bruce DeLay
Heartland Church, Patriot Pastors
What if I told you that I can define the Gospel in just three words? And what if I told you that the true meaning of the Good News may be challenging for some Christians to embrace? The answer lies in Isaiah 52, which the Apostle Paul quoted in Romans 10. Paul wrote: “How beautiful are the feet of them which preach the gospel, and bring good tidings!” So what actually is that Gospel, or “Good Tidings” specifically? Isaiah defines the Good News in three words: “Our God Reigns.” History is all about who is going to be in charge. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is how we see and enter the Kingdom. Subsequently the Gospel of the Kingdom is what we are called to live in and to establish in the earth.
Why am I telling you this?
Because if Our God Reigns, the bottom line is: Christians should be running things. Christians must take places of authority and govern in our communities according to God’s desire, not according to man’s lust. Jesus Christ bought back everything that Adam lost, and now He wants you and I to resume what Adam was told to do in the first place. We are here to subdue the earth, take dominion, and do it like God intended it to be done from the beginning. The baby in the manger was born to be the King – not just nice guy, pious religious leader, or a good citizen. America’s Founding Fathers knew this, and lived accordingly. They have handed down a great Heritage of American Christian living. We must not squander it now.
If Christians are in authority, there will be no LGBT drag-queen programs for children in our schools or libraries. There will be no illegal aliens breaking in to our country and stealing from the taxpayer. Corrupt public officials from dog catcher to President will get more jail time than the regular every day crooks. Middle Eastern death cults will not be regarded as a religion, and will not be allowed to perpetrate their evil ideology on our soil. Wannabe kings at the UN won’t be able to guilt everyone into compliance and taxation due to fake-science scams like global warming. Religious leaders who steal from the saints and pervert the Bible for personal gain, will be prosecuted. And most of all, science-denying child murderers will not be allowed to kill our unborn babies and sell their body parts for profit. Instead, they will be quickly arrested and charged with homicide.
When the wicked rule, the people mourn. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice (see Proverbs 29). It is time for Christians to rule in the land again, as they did in Colonial America. I am tired of mourning over things that we have the ability to change. I am tired of politicians pretending to be righteous, but then causing the people to mourn – just like the wicked rulers have done. When the true Christians finally stand up, link arms together, and start running things; then we will see America at peace again. But, buckle up for now. We are headed for a confrontation between the Left and Right which hasn’t been seen since 1865. Join me in working to avoid a worse-case scenario. Join me in declaring “Our God Reigns.” Join me in praying “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in Oklahoma as it is in Heaven.”
Join me in making the Church what Jesus intended it to be: An authoritative force for right-ness in a world filled with so much wrong-ness.
Travis Jones
CEO, Career Development Partners
As I write this, 2018 is quickly coming to an end and history will be complete for another year. Leadership in the world today is a bit troubling. It appears that many of our world leaders have missed the point of Emotional intelligence which relates to how a person responds to the key moment in their lives. What can we do about it, you might say?
Read things that are true and lasting. Listen more and pay attention to what is truly going on around us. Plant more encouragement and support of others, especially family and co-workers as you respond to the important minutes in your daily walk of life. Take time to ponder and reflect on your many blessings.
Career Development Partners believes that “People are worth the investment”. We help companies grow their employee’s performance by selection, coaching, transitioning and helping them deal with key moments in their life. This year we became certified in Everything DISC facilitation to bring more value to our clients.
We are thankful for our clients, our participants in transitions, our community and friends for the privilege of working with them in 2018. We feel very blessed and look forward to 2019.
Ronda Vuillemont-Smith
Founder, President Tulsa 9.12 Project
2018 was an “out of the ordinary” year on many levels – elections, teacher strike, the passing of medical marijuana and a consistent budget surplus.
Who would have believed that a Republican led House and Senate would twist arms, make promises and outright lie about the “need” to raise taxes knowing that revenues were consistently coming in above projections? And then cheer when they, along with Democrats, passed the largest tax increase in Oklahoma history (unnecessarily), while in a budget surplus that exceeded $1 billion.
The 2018 campaign season seemed to go on forever and overall, I think we have a good team at the helm to lead Oklahoma. I trust that Governor Stitt, in 2019, will provide us with a vision we can get behind, and a plan to make it happen. I look forward to the “turn around” he promised, the much-needed audits and reforms in all areas of government.
After all the mayhem of the 2018 legislative session, with the special session and the teacher strike, 2019 could prove to be interesting. In 2019, the “education” unions are demanding most of the budget surplus without mention of audits or reforms – they continue to demand more hard earned money from Oklahoma taxpayers without one measure of accountability.
2019 should be a lively year at both the state and federal level. The 2020 election will kick into gear shortly. The fun never ends!
Happy New Year and God Bless!!
Ronda Vuillemont-Smith
Tulsa 9.12 Project
Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite!
Ken Sellers
It should be obvious to the most casual political observer that there is a titanic battle going on for the soul of the United States of America. Powerful forces are threatening to transform America from one Nation under God into a Global State tyranny. Many are oblivious to the danger, however, and others pretend there is nothing to be concerned about. I think this excerpt from Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” speech is salient for today.
“Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
It is my fervent hope that American’s of all backgrounds will come to the same conclusion of Patrick Henry and soon.
“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”