Can the Democrats ruin Christmas?
Some think so.
Dr. Anthony Fauci believes that Americans must restrict Christmas get-togethers and celebrations because of the risk of spreading the Chinese coronavirus. Fauci wants to control the level of celebration for Christmas even though the impact of the virus is dropping nationwide.
Vice President Kamala Harris is certain that Americans will have limited choices for Christmas gifts. She urged Americans to buy what they can early.
That’s actually solid advice. Thanks to the Biden Administration’s demolition of America’s economy, fewest goods are being produced and the supply chain – particularly products imported from overseas – is being seriously curtailed.
And Joe Biden’s attack on domestic energy is causing nearly double-digit inflation as transportation costs skyrocket. Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress are raising taxes and racing toward socialism and they are flooding the economy with too many dollars.
And to be honest, the leftists want to denigrate the true meaning of Christmas – a celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. In recent years, they have made the focus on materialism and shifted attention away from traditional celebrations of the sacred holy day. They have tried to erase the term “Christmas” from public dialogue. They successfully eliminated “Christmas” from public schools.
This effort will fail with true believers in Jesus Christ. Christmas is not about getting stuff but it is about celebrating the Son of God, the Savior of mankind.
And no virus or unloaded cargo ship can stop that.