The Tulsa City Council is filled with liberals who lack any courage to stand up to the powerful business interests that dictate their policy decisions. The August 25 election won’t change that. Here are our recommendations for that ballot.

District 1

Democrat Jerry Goodwin; Democrat Vanessa Hall-Harper

No recommendation.

Both are liberal Democrats in a progressive district.

District 3

Democrat Paul Eicher; Democrat Councilor Crista Patrick

No recommendation. Both are liberal Democrats.

District 4

Democrat Councilor Kara Joy McKee; Democrat Landry Miller; Republican Casey Robinson; Republican Kathryn Lyons

Lyons has a much better resume and would be an upgrade for that district. Robinson would be an upgrade over McKee.

We recommend Kathryn Lyons.

District 5

Democrat MyKey Arthrelll; Democrat Justin Schuffert; Democrat Rachel Shepherd; Republican Councilor Cass Fahler

No recommendation.

District 6

Republican Christian Bengel; Democrat Cheyenna Morgan; Democrat Councilor Connie Dodson

Bengel is a conservative Christian who wants to  protect constitutional values. Dobson is a member of the Oklahoma Education Association. Morgan wants to defund the police.

We recommend Christian Bengel.

District 7

Republican Chad Ferguson; Republican Justin Van Kirk; Democrat Councilor Lori Decter Wright

Either Van Kirk or Ferguson would be a better choice than Wright. District 7 deserves better representation.

We recommend Van Kirk.

District 9

Democrat Leeann Crosby; Republican Jayme Fowler

If you want to know how liberal Crosby is, just look at

Fowler attended the Harvard University Kennedy School of Government in 2001.  Fowler is easily the better choice for this open seat. We recommend Jayme Fowler.