State Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, is a target of the local media because he is conservative, he believes in a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and he speaks the truth.

Dahm introduced a bill that would ban paper straws in Oklahoma. This was done to make a statement on Earth Day.

Dahm was right that paper straws are pretty much useless, especially when drinking a milkshake.

“Hatred of paper straws is nearly universal,” Dahm said in a press release. “I’ve never met a single person who enjoys using a paper straw. They fall apart and turn to mush quicker than Joe Biden trying to string together a coherent sentence. They collapse like Mitt Romney under the slightest amount of pressure, and even with Kamala Harris … well, never mind.”

A Tulsa TV reporter tried to get Dahm to confess that mentioning Vice President Harris was a sexual reference, that it hinted that Harris’ political career was boosted by affairs with powerful people.

Dahm didn’t say that at all yet that was how it was reported on the news that night.

Never let truth get in the way of a good story or a chance to embarrass a conservative on TV.

Senate Majority Leader Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, showed his true colors by blasting Dahm in a subsequent press release. Sometimes Republican moderates join the chorus against conservatives who stand for the truth.

The truth is banning plastic straws is bad policy. Plastic is not evil – it is an important part of everyday life in America.

And if you want to find out if Kamala Harris has a sordid history, you’ll have to Google it because you will never see it on the progressive local TV channels.