Finally we can put to bed and in the files of history the year 2018. It was a very wild and difficult year indeed.  However, as it has been covered extensively and to many of us our dismay and disgust.  So it seems to me to be time to look ahead to the future and where we can go in the brand new year facing our lives.

First, it seems propitious that we begin by placing our focus on the problems we face or those we might be facing in the future.  The past is done and cannot be changed but the lessons taught, whether learned or not, must be placed in memory or they will absolutely be repeated in the future.  On my part, my choice remains to be optimistic on the future.  It seems to me that PRESDT-45 knows exactly what he is doing and that he is planning to allow the “swamp” participants as much rope as they will take before cutting it off and allowing them to self-destruct, as well should happen.

In my experience and historical education, there has not been a period in time in our national history where there has been so much out-and-out corruption, misconduct and law breaking.  The culprits must be brought into account, removed from their positions of power and properly punished for the damage done. And where appropriate, forced to give compensation for the damage done to others by their misconduct in office.

Further, the vile language and false accusations that have emanated from individuals in high government positions, as well as the media, should be cause for the most serious recrimination, including, if necessary, incarceration.

The trash that has been coming from the mouths of these people, and/or appearing in print or on screens has gone a long way towards the reduction in the quality of our society.  It is unfortunate but all the above has brought about generations of citizens who seem to have lost most, if not all, appearances of civility.

It will take a strong and continuous effort on the part of those of us who are pained by the current conditions of life to stand firm and rebut them as well as make the effort to inform and educate those younger people who have not experienced decent activities and words in government to bring them into a better voter mentality.  This probably will necessitate some major changes in the education system staffing as there are, unfortunately, too many actively teaching the wrong things (or nothing.)

Another action that we of faith should take is to actively work to bring God back into our daily lives.  The United States was founded as a Christian nation but PRESBO-44 publicly stated that it was not longer so and virtually proclaimed to Muslim rulers of such nations that he is one.  If we stay, as a nation, turned away from Him, He will turn away from us and allow the forces of evil to gain complete control which would bring about the end of our republic or the break-up of the union, as predicted by Richard Engle in his book – The Last American President.  In it, the result was formation of several nations with a few states each, with the states with overwhelming C/F/S populations joining into three or four such nations.  It is all up to us, the thinking and informed citizens of the United States who revere the Constitution, to preserve the republic.