Higher education has been racing toward indoctrination rather than education for decades under the leadership of liberal egomaniacs. The University of Oklahoma wants to guarantee that everyone on campus is lockstep with their progressive idealogy. Instead of encouraging independent thought or the study of America’s traditions and culture, OU is now mandating that all students, faculty members and employee take “diversity training.”

The stated purpose is to create an atmosphere of “belonging and emotional growth for all.” The online course has five components and will discuss “identities, power, privilege and a culture of respect. They want to pound it into everyone’s head so you have to repeat this every three years.

 “Involving all students, faculty and staff in this new diversity training program reinforces our belief that we all share the responsibility of advancing fundamental change,” said OU President Joseph Harroz, Jr.

Fundamental change from what?

The change is a 180-degree turn from traditional morality, conservatism and Christian faith.

Here is the not-so-subtle message of “diversity” – students, faculty and staff will be instructed that you can change your sex, that homosexuality is normal, that white people are inherently racist and that minorities deserve compensation for centuries of mistreatment.

What if you disagree with this indoctrination? Can a professor be fired for opposing reparations? Can a student be expelled for believing in traditional marriage?

Everyone has a right to their opinion. But OU gets state funding. These kinds of programs should not be mandatory and more subject to scrutiny by the Oklahoma Legislature.