Former Tulsa County Republican Chairman David McLain was elected state party chairman during the State GOP Convention Saturday at First Baptist Church of Moore.

After failing to pass a party platform last time, the new platform passed with 70 percent of the votes by about 1,000 delegates.

“This Oklahoma State platform holds true to our core principles and covers the major issues that are important to our delegates,” said Tulsa County GOP Chairman Bob Jack.

For the past four years, Pam Pollard was state chairman and Wayne McAnally was vice chairman.

McLain is the new chairman and Michael Turner was elected as the new vice chairman.

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter opened the convention with a prayer. Speakers included Senators Jim Inhofe and James Lankford; Congressmen Kevin Hern, Markwayne Mullins and Tom Cole; Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell and party officials.

At a Friday night gala, U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas was honored with the Ronald Reagan Leadership Award.    The main speaker was Peggy Grande who served 10-years as the post-presidency executive assistant to President Reagan.