Across the United States, meat sales are down by more than 12% compared this time a year ago. Beef demand is dropping in Europe. And even Argentina is seeing a drop in the consumption of beef.

What’s the deal?

Before the Chinese coronavirus, meat consumption worldwide was consistently rising even to record highs. Now, there is a discernible shift away from meat.

The number one factor seems to be price. Thanks to President Joe Biden’s inflationary policies, the price of beef in this country is going up and up, forcing Americans to either pay more or eat less. People are switching to eggs or other forms of protein. There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables are healthy but doctors say that people, especially children, benefit from nutrient-dense animal products.

China’s livestock production is growing as that country recovers from an outbreak of African swine fever – a disease that nearly wiped out the country’s hog herd.

The meat supply was affected in 2020 by buying habits as Americans filled their freezers in anticipation of shortages. And the government shutdown of restaurants has had an effect on meat.

People in the meat market see a gloomy horizon.

And to top it off, America is culturally shifting to demonizing meat consumption for health or political reasons.

Meat, especially beef, is important to Oklahoma. If this meatless drive continues, it will damage our economy.