God promised to forgive our sins and heal our land if we would turn from our wicked ways.  But we have not turned from our wicked ways.  In fact, we are digging ourselves deeper and deeper into the pits of sin.

Here in the “Bible Belt” two of Tulsa’s largest United Methodist churches are meeting once again to discuss the total acceptance of same-sex marriage and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) homosexual lifestyle.

These same issues have already split Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, and advocates for this Sodom and Gomorrah “anything goes” lifestyle are applying extreme pressure on Southern Baptist and Roman Catholic church members in an attempt to divide and destroy those churches as well.

Sadly, many church pastors and TV evangelists are compromising God’s Word in order to appease the pro-abortion, homosexual LGBTQ+ crowd.  Too many church leaders and “Christian” talking heads on TV, have been completely silent on abortion, even though abortion is the number one cause of death in America!

In the first 3 1/2 months of 2021, we have already aborted 259,338 babies in the USA . . . that’s 2,401 abortions each day.  And as of this writing, the USA has aborted 62.8 million babies since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.  And now these same “Christians” remain silent as the advocates for same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ+ homosexual lifestyle are working to destroy the church (God’s people).

And to make matters worse, the socialist/progressive Democrat Party is trying to force everyone to embrace and participate in the sins of abortion, same-sex marriage and homosexuality.  The Democrat controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the “Equality Act” on February 25 by a vote of 224 to 206, with three Republicans joining all the Democrats to vote yes.

The Republicans who voted for the bill are Tom Reed and John Katko (both from New York) and Brian Fitzpatrick (Pennsylvania).

This so-called “Equality Act” gives special treatment to any person claiming to be LGBTQ+ in employment, education, healthcare, housing, athletic competition, public restroom accommodations, etc.  And any person who refuses to go along with the demands of the LGBTQ+ person, can be prosecuted, fined, and even imprisoned in a federal penal institution. 

The bill is now being considered by the U.S. Senate – and if the Senate passes the bill – President Joe Biden has already promised to sign it into U.S. Law.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both personally performed same-sex marriages for their homosexual friends – and – President Biden, in his first 90 days in office, has demonstrated a propensity to sign anything that is put in front of him.  Let us pray that the Senate rejects this bill.

What are these people thinking?  Do they not understand that the sins of abortion, same-sex marriage, and the LGBTQ+ homosexual lifestyle are an abomination to Almighty God, and if left un-repented and unforgiven, will lead them straight to Hell?  (see Revelation 2:14, 20, 22; 21:8, 27: 22:15) 

Does any reasonable-thinking person believe that God will bless you and bring healing to this land, while you continue to invent new ways to sin against God?  God’s Word says, “He will not!”  (see Deuteronomy 28:15-45)

Jesus himself said we should stop fearing what man can do to us, and instead, fear the One who has the authority to throw you into Hell.  Yes, God is the one you should fear (see Luke 12:4-5).  Wake up America.  The return of Jesus is closer than you might think.  Sorrowful repentance and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the only thing that will save you from Hell.