President Andres Manuel López Obrador was mad that President Trump was threatening to impose a set of tariffs on Mexican goods because of that country’s lack of cooperation in stopping the illegal immigration crisis at our southern border.

The threat worked.

President Trump’s decisiveness caused that leftist leader to finally do something to end this invasion of the United States.

Obrador wrote a letter accusing Trump of “turning the United States, overnight, from a country of brotherly love for immigrants from around the world, to a bolted space, where there’s stigmatizing, mistreatment, abuse, persecution, and a denial of the right to justice to those who seek – with sacrifice and hard work – to live free from misery.”

These harsh words come from the leader of Mexico, which used to have harsher immigration restrictions on its southern border that America did.

Mexico had gladly let in caravans from Central America whose purpose is to head to the United States, cross the border illegally and then disappear into our country without permission. Obrador says he is concerned about “human rights.”

That’s laughable. Mexico’s illegal immigration business is run by that country’s drug cartel. They make billions by sneaking illegals over our border and selling illegal drugs to our citizens. If they cared one ounce for “human rights,” they will devote their energy to building a better life in their country for their people.

And American liberals cried that the tariffs would cause consumer prices to rise. That’s true, but guess what? It will encourage American agriculture and it will persuade some American businesses that fled to Mexico to return to the United States.

Do we have to drink Mexican beer? Not hardly.

Here’s the best part. Trump issued a real threat and Mexico had to respond with the appropriate answer. Trump’s critics in the liberal media still won’t admit that they were wrong about his actions.

Trump got results when the Pelosi-led House did nothing.