The New York Times is a Democrat cabal disguised as newspaper. This rag doesn’t even pretend to care about the truth, much less fairness, in coverage of President Trump.

The latest volley, in an attempt to elect Joe Biden, is a report on the president’s tax returns. Trump said the story is a pack of lies. First, it is illegal for anyone working for the Internal Revenue Service to release those tax statements. If someone did release them, they should be fired and face criminal charges.

But the truth is that the New York Times didn’t need any IRS documents to concoct this falsehood. Of course, they have not released any documentation to prove they are correct. The bulk of their coverage of Trump is based on undocumented, unreliable and false information.

The New York Times is adeptly clever at twisting information to make it look bad for the president. It would be extraordinary if a business as complex as his that deals with real estate would not have mortgage debt.

The Times wants readers to think that Trump is broke, so they emphasize what they think he owes.

All this while the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and others ignore how much payola the Biden family has accepted from Communist China and the Ukraine. There is the real scandal, backed up by truth.

The constant attacks are so mean spirited and outrageous and will be rejected by American voters. The only reason that Democrats have sued (unsuccessfully) to get Trump’s financial records is to damage his re-election.

Shame on the New York Times for this unsubstantiated attack.