The Senate Health and Human Services approved Senate Bill 1296 to add marijuana to the list of products that cannot be smoked or vaped in public places. Sen. Lonnie Paxton authored the bill to address the growing number of citizens utilizing medicinal marijuana around stores, restaurants and other public places.
“While marijuana is legal in Oklahoma for those with a medical card, users still need to be vigilant when partaking in or around public places like restaurants, parks, schools and other areas where tobacco smoking is currently prohibited. This is especially true given those nearby can possibly experience an unwanted contact high making it even more important to clarify where marijuana can be smoked or vaped in public,” Paxton said. “This bill will add any form of marijuana to the list of products already prohibited from being smoked in public.”
SB 1296 provides for locations designated in the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act to prohibit tobacco smoking or vaping, marijuana smoking or vaping, or other lawful products which are consumed or used in a smoked or vaporized manner. The bill will next go before the full Senate.