Democrats in the U.S. House are pushing a plan to make the District of Columbia the 51st state.
The Democrat House voted 232-180 to pass a bill that got no Republican votes. Thank goodness this scheme has no chance to get past the Republican-run Senate.
(By the way, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has no intention to craft bipartisan legislation. Pelosi just passes far left bill to push socialism and then blames the Senate for being “unreasonable.” She wouldn’t even discuss and infrastructure bill because it was from President Trump).
Washington, D.C., has about 700,000 residents and almost all are tied to a federal payroll.
Democrats want two more senators to be elected from D.C., where the majority of residents are black. They argue that D.C. has more residents than several states – including North Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming. And the Democrats – who find racism everywhere – argue that the majorities in those three states are white.
Race shouldn’t be a factor in a decision like this but it is because Democrats control the liberal news media and their presidential strategy for Joe Biden is to make every issue about race.
Democrats tried to push Puerto Rico as the 51st state but that flopped.
This statehood fiasco is similar to their plans to add members to the nine-member U.S. Supreme Court in case they ever win back the presidency.
Democrat winners cannot win by playing by the rules because their policies are so bizarre and harmful. There only hope is to change the rules in the middle of the game.
Chalk up another failed attempt by Pelosi and her minions.