There is a lot of effort in trying to force acceptance of homosexuality on our culture, including changing our language and connecting “homophobia” with “racism.”

Liberal religious leaders want to combine the concept of racial harmony with an acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. It is couched in the idea that people who choose to pursue a homosexual lifestyle have no choice, just like minorities have no choice in choosing the color of their skin or ethnicity.

Homosexuality is condemned in the Bible, in the Old Testament and New Testament. It is the reason for the destruction of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.  In the history of mankind, the fall of great civilizations was parallel to the rise of sexual immorality, homosexuality in particular.

A careful student of the Bible will condemn the sin but love the sinner. That is what Jesus taught in His encounter with the woman at the well.

In June, religious leaders met in Tulsa to “bless” “Progress Pride” and Black Lives Matter prior to the Gay Pride Parade on June 26. The message was unconditional acceptance of sexual choices, inclusivity and reparations. According to one speaker, “…we cannot extricate, neither untether, systemic racism, sexism or homophobia from one another.”

People shouldn’t be persecuted because they fall into homosexuality just like minorities shouldn’t suffer because of their ethnicity. But sexual sin shouldn’t be celebrated and it certainly should not be a source of pride but rather shame because it is in defiance of God’s instruction and nature itself.

Injecting pseudo-faith into the public arena with a disdain for the Bible doesn’t ultimately help anyone. God is a God of love and holiness and He won’t let Tulsa, Oklahoma or the United States travel down this path of disobedience forever.

The tag of racism is being applied haphazardly and unfairly. Actual racism is wrong. But homosexuality is not a civil right  and shouldn’t be condoned with  religious fanfare.