OKLAHOMA CITY, (PRNewswire) – Grassroots political organization National Police Support Fund partnered with local organizations to oppose- and ultimately help defeat- State Question 805 that was on the state ballot on Election Day November 3.

Oklahoma State Question 805, the Criminal History in Sentencing and Sentence Modification Initiative, was on the ballot in Oklahoma as an initiated constitutional amendment.

National Police Support Fund opposed this measure because it would have prevented judges from imposing stricter sentences on repeat offenders.  Police officers are often faced with re-arresting released convicts, and each arrest puts them at greater risk of harm. This also pulls man power away from keeping the community safe and upholding law and order elsewhere.

National Police Support Fund is a grassroots political organization dedicated to supporting and defending police officers within the political process. During this critical election year, SQ 805 was just one of many measures the organization focused on across the country.  The measure was ultimately defeated 61% to 38%.

For more information, visit www.nationalpolicesupportfund.com.